Online Bookmarks > Connecting to Your Account

Connecting to Your Account

You can connect to your Online Bookmarks using the Online Sync account from Lunascape or the Firefox Sync.

Connecting to Your Account Using the Online Sync Account

  1. From the Menu, go to View > Sidebar > Online Bookmarks

  2. Click the OnlineBookmarks_Settings.png Settings icon in the Online Bookmarks Sidebar
  3. Click Setup right next to Current AccountOnline_Bookmark_Gecko_Sync_Current_Account.png
  4. Enter your account information in the following field

    • ID (or Email Address): Enter your email address here.
    • Password: Enter your password here.
    • Sync Key: Enter your Sync Key here.
  5. Click OK to connect to your account

Connecting to Your Account Using the Firefox Sync Account

  1. From the Menu, go to View > Sidebar > Online Bookmarks
  2. Click the Settings icon in the Online Bookmarks Sidebar
  3. Click Setup right next to Current Account
  4. Enter your account information in the following field
    • ID (or Email Address): Enter your Firefox Sync account here.
    • Password: Enter your Firefox Sync account's password here.
    • Sync Key: Enter your Firefox Sync account's Sync Key here.
  5. Click OK to connect to your account