Searching with Lunascape

You can search the Internet with Luna Search.

What Is Luna Search?


Luna Search is available from the Lunascape Start page ( The Luna Search is powered by Google and optimized by Lunascape to return the best results for your search key words.


Setting Preferences

You can change its preferences by clicking the "Preferences" link on the Lunascape Start page.


In the Preferences, you can...

  • Change number of results returned per page by either 10 or 20.
  • Select Interface Language and Search Language(s). If you want to search in French, check the "French" check box.
  • Choose to display search results in a new page. (With Lunascape, it will be opened in a new tab). If you need to search different subjects at the same time, check the "Result to new window" box.

NOTE: The Preferences settings use cookie information. If your browser is set to block cookies, you won't be able to save your settings.

Advanced Search

You can conduct an Advanced Search by clicking the "Advanced Search" link on the Lunascape Start page.


By using Advanced Search, Luna Search can give you more accurate results.
